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How to Get Money from Google Adsense Earnings (DOLLAR)


         Google Adsense is one of the thousands of How to Make Money on the Internet's most widely followed by the majority of existing Bloggers around the world. To Make money or money from Google Adsense honestly not an easy task, it is necessary sacrifice, hard work and willing to be consistent. I mean the sacrifice you have to be ready to sacrifice your time for a few hours in the day to take care of a blog, or in this case is to write articles and of course also be prepared Work Hard for inspiration to make an article, and most importantly, we must Consistent in living .About Google Adsense you can Read from WIKIPEDIA here !

The most common question asked is 'how long a new blog could make money $ 100 per month from Google Adsense?' relative, meaning that all depends on the niche and your target audience. I give the picture to make it easier to understand.

       I suppose you already have a blog with a target visitors Indonesia (Indonesian language blog) with Niche Health say that on average have $ 0.1 CPC
And if you want to earn as much as $ 100, the minimum number of visitors you need is as many as 1000 people. I mengansumsikannya like this:

Visitors: 1000
CTR: 3-4%
Click per Day: 30-40

So the amount of income you can from Google Adsense every day is ranged between $ 3 - $ 4, figure or the income obtained from:


Visitors x CTR x CPC = Result Day revenues

It separately Indonesian language blog with a target visitors from Indonesia. As for the blog Bule the UK with the target, the number of visitors you need just half of what I described above, so you only need about 500 visitors alone each day and you will be able to enjoy earning $ 100 (even more) from Google Adsense.

But if you are not satisfied with earning $ 100 per month then you can improve it. Still binung pengasilan of how to increase Google Adsense? calm, according to the title above, here I will explain clearly how your How To Get Money from Google Adsense Income more than $ 100 / month course in ways that do not violate Google Adsense TOS.

To be able to earn money from Google Adsense hundreds of dollars, of course we have to improve 1 of 3 The following:


Simply put, both visitors, mauapun cpc ctr rose, then any income will also rise. Well here I will explain about how to improve all three.

How to Increase Blog Visitors

Increase visitors truth is that the work is not too difficult if you master or know the ropes. As an example we can memnfaatkan various social media are like Facebook, Twitter and many others. Please read the collection of Social Networking Sites Latest and Hottest in Indonesia that you can also try to increase visitors to your site / blog.

In addition to using the help of the media / social networking, we can also use SEO, Guest Posting, Social Bookmarking and so that is not possible I mentioned and described herein. Because once I've summarize and write in detail in how the ways that you can use to increase the number of visitors to the blog, and the article you can read here 7 Ways to Increase Blog Visitors.

How to Increase Google Adsense CTR

Google Adsense CTR closely related to Niche, Templates Blog and also the placement of ads. Well here I will explain first about Niche.

If the niche you choose has high competition it means to be a lot of ads are also seniche with the article that you created in the blog, for example, you create an article on How to Get Money. Then later from the Google Adsense ads that will appear on your blog is also about or related to money, and it will also make the CTR ride.

Next is the Blog Template, templates with three columns according to the experience of my friends are also very effective to improve the CTR with your calendar notes put ads in the right place. If still confused how your putting the right ad in order CTR rose,

How to Increase Google Adsense CPC

CPC or Cost Per Click can you improve in two ways, the first is the Niche Choosing the High Competition and the second is to change the Target Visitors who initially was limited to local state, you try to upgrade to a premium attract visitors from countries such as the USA.

I explain first the first of Niche with High Competition. To see whether Niche or rather keywords you select High Competition or can not use Google Adwords: Keyword Planner. Looking for a tutorial or keyword research you can read on this article Method Keyword Research With Google Adwords Keyword Planner.

As for how to bring visitors from the USA, First do the keyword research beforehand (see also how in the link I shared earlier) and after can be the key word, you can try to create a blog in English, to write an article just for a few months (1 - 2 months) then just you give Backlink little by little, if routine then your article will rise slowly until it finally stops at Page One of Google sequence 1.

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